Programs Overview
The Chewstick Foundation Programmes
The Chewstick Foundation has developed a host of dynamic programmes through over 10 years of local and international field research and development. The result is a focused core group of programmes that directly affect over 800 participants annually and thousands more indirectly.
Sometimes its hard to recognize Chewstick Foundation programmes at first glance, because they look so fun and exciting, which they are, however, this has become one of the main strategies for their success and effectiveness. Chewstick programmes are designed to inspire, showcase and develop people and then connect them to each other and issues that affect all of us. Because of this, participants have a visceral passion and connection to the organization and each other that is the hallmark of The Chewstick Foundation and the cornerstone of true community development and healing. Programmes are tailored to the participant and demographic and can range in focus to engage participants as young as 8 years old and go all the way up!
The Chewstick Headquarters is located at 81 Front Street between Onion Jack’s and Astwood Dickinson. The location was previously the Carole Holding Art Studio and at over 200 years is one of the oldest buildings in the City of Hamilton and actually housed the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club for its first 100 years.